Take chairside milling to the next level
Planmeca PlanMill® 40 S is an excellent choice for fast and accurate milling directly at a dental clinic. With its enhanced performance and numerous smart features, the unit offers the most advanced milling experience available.
Outstanding milling quality
Planmeca PlanMill 40 S is a state-of-the art milling unit that offers outstanding accuracy down to the micron level. The unit’s smart tool paths have been optimised to suit different material characteristics. Due to its linear motors, Planmeca PlanMill 40 S produces high-quality restorations that are made to last.
High-speed milling
Planmeca PlanMill 40 S is ideal for clinics aiming for maximum efficiency. Its 4-axis dual spindles produce crowns in approximately 8–10 minutes per restoration.
Automatic tool changer
Planmeca PlanMill 40 S has an automated tool changer for 10 tools. In addition to choosing the right tool for each task, the changer also automatically replaces burs that are worn or broken.
Smooth user experience
From daily cleanings and water changes to annual preventive maintenance functions, the guided maintenance wizard of Planmeca PlanMill 40 S makes caring for the unit straightforward.